The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Wiki

Suzune Inukami (犬上 鈴音, Inukami Suzune) is one of the protagonists of The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic. She is the student council president, who is admired by all for her excellent grades and athletic ability but also revealed she is an isekai loving otaku. Summoned to the Llinger Kingdom as a hero, she has an aptitude for lightning magic. Though Usato had considered her beyond his reach, she begins to show her true self after being summoned to another world.


Suzune is a kindhearted individual. She loves sports. Even though she achieved all kinds of success in her high school life, she still could not make a decision about her future. She is worried about Usato when he was brutally trained by Rose.

Suzune revealed to be a closet Isekai Manga and Anime loving otaku. She dreamt of being summoned into another world as a hero to fight against Demon Lord. When she discovers her affinity for lightning magic, she is happy to get lightning from one of her favorite anime "Thunder".

Suzune is somewhat perverted when she checked Usato's chest and thrilled seeing his muscular body. She developed romantic feelings for Usato.

Abilities and Powers[]

  • Lightning Magic: From her summoning, Suzune has lightning magic.
  • Superhuman Strength: From her training with the knights, Suzune gains Superhuman Strength.


Ken Usato[]

Suzune never spoke with Usato in their original world, but one rainy evening, she heard Usato cursing the weather as someone had taken his umbrella, Suzune asked why was he still at school. Usato told her the truth and decided to run home, but Suzune stopped him and told him that as a member of the Student Council, she could not allow a student to walk home in the rain without an umbrella, Kazuki then appeared as the owner of the remaining umbrella and offered Usato his spare, Suzune formed a friendship with Usato on their walk home and thanked him for being honest. After being summoned Suzune was over the moon whilst Kazuki and Usato were a bit panicked, Suzune began to develop feeling for Usato when she saw his muscular body due to Rose's training, and from when he saved her in the woods. Suzune has shown annoyance with Usato when he commands her to use Thunder or Thunderbolt and she responds with she isn't a pocket monster

Kazuki Ryuusen[]

Kazuki and Suzune were on the student council together in their previous world, they had a solid relationship, then they were summoned to another world as heroes, they trained together and they maintained their friendship, Suzune does get annoyed with Kazuki when he stops her getting handsy with Usato.

