The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Wiki

The second episode of the The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Anime.


Usato begins training under Rose's hellacious training regimen.

Plot summary[]

Usato wakes up needing to recall that he is now living in a different world. Rose gives him a journal for him to write about what he is learning. She begins training by helping Usato try to perceive the magic within him. She tells him to run until his muscles are unable to move. She later gives him a book to read about the history of the kingdom of Llinger. He finds that he has an innate ability to read the text even though it is foreign to him.

Usato continues to run daily. Rose heals him initially until he starts to find his own latent power and heal himself. He finds that he is able to push himself further physically because he is able to heal himself. Usato is visited by his friends, Suzune and Kazuki, who have been training elsewhere. They find that Usato is able to do pushups with a block of concrete and Rose on his back.

A knight comes and criticizes Rose for her method of training, but Rose says that she is training him to be her righthand man. Usato meets Princess Celia at a picnic lunch. He is complemented about his newly developed muscles.

Later, Rose brings Usato outside the castle wall to a forest called the Darkness of Llinger. She tells him to not return until he has hunted down a grand grizzly. He objects, but she throws him into the forest.




