Aul (アウル, Auru) was a minor character in The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic. She was the Deputy Commander under Rose during Rose's time in Llinger Kingdom's army.
Aul was a young woman in her late teens to early 20's, she had purple hair tied in a ponytail and yellow eyes. She wore a Knights uniform with armor. Her facial features resembles a female version of Ken Usato.
Aul was a stubborn girl who would always back talk her superiors if she doubted their orders, she was also a bit of an airhead and would often earn the scorn of her troops, as she would always open her mouth without thinking which would get her beat up by them.
Aul being a Deputy Commander Rank was very skilled with her sword, she was able to fight several demons with great skill.
High Stamina[]
Aul has shown to have high stamina, she can fight for a long time without showing fatigue.
Aul served under Rose as her deputy. At first, Aul would always back talk to Rose due to her stubborn nature, which would result in some harsh training, however, Aul never lost her resolve and Rose respected that. Aul grew to love Rose as a mother figure and would always try and help out but most of the time got scolded. Aul's love for Rose was so strong that she sacrificed herself to save Rose's life.
Josh served under Aul. Aul thought that her team hated her but after talking with Rose, Josh and the rest revealed they heard the conversation and reassured Aul that they loved and respected her and they never hated her; despite their complaints and frustration with her they never bore her ill will.