The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Wiki

Amako (アマコ, Amako) is a main character in The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic. She is a therianthrope girl. She helps out at a fruit shop in the castle town of Llinger Kingdom. She is interested in Usato. She is the one who told Usato about the tragedy heading towards him in the war. She also wanted Usato to heal her mother who is down with some kind of curse.


She is a bit timid and shy around people and she tends to get jealous when girls try to cling on to Usato. She can be scary and enrage when her petite stature is said right near the ones who were mocking it.


Amako came to Llinger from far away, she had no money and no food, however a kind old woman took her in and had her assist her at her Fruit Stand. Amako witnessed Usato being kidnapped by Rose, she then appeared at the green grocers hiding around back and asking her guardian if Usato was a healer, After hearing the truth Amako chased down Usato and grabbed his arm, she then showed him a vision of the future where Suzune and Kazuki are killed by the Black Knight, Usato asked her what did she show him and Amako called him a great healer of prophecy and that she needed him to save the other heroes. Amako then showed up whilst the heroes were parading through the city after defeating the Demon Army, A few days later Usato met Suzune in town but he then noticed Amako, Usato ran over and picked her up so that she couldn't run, Amako told him that it was about time that he came looking for her, she then told him that he owes her a favour as she showed him the vision of the future, Usato asked her what did she need, Suzune then interrupted them but Mako and Usato ignored her and Amako told Usato that her mother was dying and she needed his help, Suzune interrupted again and Usato snapped at her to but out, Amako then asked if Usato was planning on putting her down any time soon, Usato put her down and took her to his cabin. Amako then explained everything on how she came form far away to try and find a healer, Usato asked why didn't she ask the Siblings or Rose, Amako told Usato that the trip is dangerous and the Siblings are healers but not fighters, Usato asked about Rose and Amako told him that she knew that Rose would reject her and Suzune also told Usato that given her position, Rose cannot leave the kingdom as she pleases, Usato then asked was he just a last resort, Amako told him that it was nothing like that, she knew that Usato was the best choice, Amako then begged Usato to help her, but Usato told her that he would need permission from Rose and the King, Usato left Suzune to watch Amako and he told her that if Suzune dod anything weird to her she just needs to scream, Suzune resented that remark. Amko then waited for Usato to return and when he did he told her that he got Rose's permission and that the King wishes to meet her. Amako clung to Usato whilst walking through the Palace, When in front of the King he thanked her for giving Usato the vision and that made her also a hero who helped save his land, Amako hid behind Usato but thanked the King, The king then told Mako that he owed her a great debt and told her that he would allow Usato to take her home and save her mother, Amako clutched the back of Usato and smiled as did Usato, on the day of the Departure Amako said goodbye to the woman who took care of her and was given a hug goodbye, Amako then departed with the Knights, Kazuki, Usato and Suzune, plus Blurin.


Ken Usato[]

Amako cares for Usato and wanted to help him so she showed him the vision of the death of his friends, After being confronted a second time by Usato Amako told him that she needed his help, Usato agreed to help her as he had received permission from his superiors, Amako then became really attached to Usato and would cling to him a lot.And developing feeling for him.

Fruit Seller[]

Amako loved the woman like a Grandmother as she took such good care of her.


Amako loves her Mother so much that she risked her life travelling a great distance to find a great healer.


Amako's bloodline is known for the rare capacity to foresee the future. According to Amako's mother, her power is the strongest it has ever been. Amako is able to see the future, both during the day and in her sleep. When meeting a person who can change the current future, Amako can show her premonition to that person solely.


